24 Posts


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Automating Python Execution on a Raspberry Pi with a virtual environment

Automating Python Execution on a Raspberry Pi with a virtual environment

In this guide, you will learn how to automate the execution of a Python script on your Raspberry Pi using a systemd service. This can be particularly useful for running...

Automating Script Execution on a Raspberry Pi

Automating Script Execution on a Raspberry Pi

There are several ways to automate a Raspberry Pi to run a program automatically without needing to start it manually from the terminal. Whether you’re using Python, Node.js, or another...

Why Not Stick to One Programming Language for Everything?

Why Not Stick to One Programming Language for Everything?

It might seem like a great idea to use your favorite programming language for every project. However, the reality is that the best programming language—whether it’s C++, Python, JavaScript, or...

Can AI bring images to life?

 Can AI bring images to life?

Limits of Generative AI: My Experience with Luma AI and Virtual Bees.

Learn to Build Computer Vision Models with Roboflow

Learn to Build Computer Vision Models with Roboflow

Are you looking to learn how to build a computer vision model? High-quality computer vision tutorials can be found on GitHub, thanks to Piotr Skalski and the Roboflow team.

Introducing GitHub Models

Introducing GitHub Models

GitHub is enabling the rise of the AI engineer with the introduction of GitHub Models, bringing the power of industry-leading large and small language models to its more than 100...

How AI Could Empower Any Business - Andrew Ng

How AI Could Empower Any Business - Andrew Ng

In this TED talk by Andrew Ng, co-founder of Google Brain and deeplearning.ai, he believes that artificial intelligence (AI) systems should be more widely available and accessible, so that even...

Comparison of Static Site Hosting Options

Comparison of Static Site Hosting Options

When it comes to hosting static sites, there are numerous options available, to make an informed decision, here’s a comparison of some of the most popular static site hosting providers....

Introducing fastai-Practical deep learning without a PhD

Introducing fastai-Practical deep learning without a PhD

In case you ever have to do Deep learning or interested in building applications with neural networks in a hands-on way you can check out fastai by Jeremy Howard.



If you encounter this error when connecting to your Raspberry Pi via SSH using its IP address or rasperrypi.local:

Installing and removing Node.js on linux-based Systems-for raspberry pi 4B

Installing and removing Node.js on linux-based Systems-for raspberry pi 4B

To install Node.js 16 after uninstalling Node.js 18, you can use the NodeSource repository to get the specific version you want. Here’s a step-by-step guide using the terminal:

Mastering Python for Algorithms and Efficiency

Mastering Python for Algorithms and Efficiency

Having code that works or implementing a solution is not good enough. Some problems require optimizing for memory and time and also meeting given constraints. Efficiency matters, and the scalability...

Dr Jekyll & Ruby building Richard's personal website

Dr Jekyll & Ruby building Richard's personal website

First step - Why Ruby?

Hello World -Skynet is Self aware

Hello world

test post, hello world

nothing to see here Just testing



For an updated version of this post see this post: Installing NodeJs on the Pi -linux based system

GSM module HTTP GET & POST request using arduino microcontroller and SIM900

This post covers the procedure to send a GET and POST request with AT commands using the SIM900 GSM/GPRS module and the Arduino UNO. This is useful for retrieving data...

Google Earth Engine: A Useful Tool for Satellite Imagery

Google Earth Engine: A Useful Tool for Satellite Imagery

I discovered Google Earth Engine (GEE), and I thought it might be helpful to share my experience with others who might need satellite images for their work.

Stranger Things by Peter Kimanzi

Stranger Things by Peter Kimanzi

Here is a screen recording for the ‘Stranger Things’ animation website from developer Peter Kimanzi. I mentioned it in a previous post and I thought you would appreciate it more...

Spotlight on Peter Kimanzi

Spotlight on Peter Kimanzi

Developer from Nairobi, Kenya.

App Development Process: From Concept to Launch

 App Development Process: From Concept to Launch

Is there a general process to follow to build an application? Generally, it is a good idea to break down the steps you need and then test each one before...

The UI- The Challenge of Color Themes

The UI- The Challenge of Color Themes

My Countdown App Journey ⏳

My Countdown App Journey ⏳

In December 2021, I embarked on a project to create a simple countdown app to display time left till midnight. Then I decided to count the days leading up to...